A. Public meeting- (continuance has been requested to February meeting)- Request for Determination of Applicability- Gore Place -to make improvements to the existing farmstead in the southwest portion of the site, including a new pole barn and threshing barn with associated fenced barnyards, access walking paths, gravel driveway, utility service upgrades and new stormwater management system. Gore Place Society, Applicant; Highpoint Engineering, representative
A. Public Hearing (continuance has been requested to Feb. meeting)- Notice of Intent- 0 Arlington St (Williams Pond Parcel) - to construct a 2-story commercial building and parking lot on property known as the Williams Pond parcel; Max Hatziliades, Applicant and Owner.
Public Hearing Continued from December 3, 2021-Arsenal Park located at 551 Rear Arsenal St., a 13.7-acre park situated on the former Arsenal Grounds, for phase B of construction taking place within the 200 ft. Riverfront Area, which generally maintain the existing layout and uses of the park.
A. CDM Smith will provide an informational update on the 90% design drawings for Arsenal Park Phase B.
1. CPA 2. Climate and Energy Plan 3. Pollinators 4. Ongoing Orders of Conditions 5. Whitney Hill annual report- review of draft
A. Review and Approve Minutes from December 1, 2021 meeting