Watertown Affordable Housing Trust - November 15, 2022


Minutes of October 19, 2022 meeting 00:01:03

Governance items 00:01:56

A. Election of vice-chair and clerk (can hold election or defer until later meeting)

Governance items 00:02:49

B. Terms of office

Governance items 00:06:58

C. Trust representative on site plan review committee

Governance Items 00:12:18

A. Election of vice-chair and clerk (can hold election or defer until later meeting)

Relationship between Community Preservation Committee and Affordable Housing Trust 00:14:48

A. Background on CPC by Chair Mark Kraczkiewicz

Relationship between Community Preservation Committee and Affordable Housing Trust 00:38:14

B. Discussion

103 Nichols Ave: focus on proposed group home/programming fit with Housing Plan 01:04:22

Discussion of future meeting topics 01:43:20

Other Business 01:46:19

Adjournment 01:47:56

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