Environment and Energy Efficiency Committee - April 24, 2023


Welcome and introductions 00:00:15

Announcements and approval of 3/20/2023 minutes 00:07:26

Environmental Planner Report 00:09:08

Discussion Part II 00:40:23

moving residents toward electrification: Home Improvement Contractors

Discussion and vote 00:42:47

joint transportation working group’s application for ARPA funds to do a transit analysis to determine what additional transportation is needed in Watertown

Working group reports 00:59:15


Working group reports 01:00:01

Net Zero

Working group reports 01:04:40

Watertown Electricity Choice

Working group reports 01:04:48

Outreach to Schools/Climate Plan Outreach

Working group reports 01:21:59


Working group reports 01:21:59


New Business (Submitted after Agenda was posted) 01:22:14

Adjourn 01:26:24

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