Planning Board - May 10, 2023


Administrative Business 00:00:46

Minutes of 4/12/23 Meeting

Case Pending 00:01:23

90 School St-Robert and Sandra MacKerron-Special Permit and Special Permit Finding to construct a dormer on the third floor, increasing pre-existing non-conforming half-story, and to convert the existing two-family to a three-family by converting the basement living space to a third unit. Neighborhood Business District. ZBA-2023-03.

Continued Case 00:19:47

104-126 Main St. -O’Connor Capital Partners LLC/ O’Connor Management LLC Special Permit with Site Plan Review to redevelop five lots (with addresses of 104 and 116-126 Main Street, 2 Cross Street, 53 Pleasant Street, and a vacant lot at the corner of Cross Street and Pleasant Street) into a new mixed-use development. Project will include approximately 6,201 sq.ft. of first floor commercial/retail space along Main St. with 143 apartment units and 5 townhome units, and a two-level parking garage with 154 spaces, and 2 handicap surface spaces. Pursuant to §5.01 (k)(2) mixed use development; § 4.10 additional height and rooftop features; § 5.05(f) increased length of contiguous facade and building length in keeping with Design Guidelines; §6.01 (e & f)shared parking and reduced parking with encouragement of alternative modes of transportation; subject to §5.07 Affordable Housing Requirements; § 4.06 (a) alteration, change, extension of non-conforming use and structure and § 9.12 all in accordance with §9.03 through §9.05. Central Business (CB) Zoning District. ZBA-2023-02.

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