City Council - September 24, 2024


Call to Order 00:00:15

Roll Call 00:00:37

Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:54

Public Forum 00:01:17

Examination of Minutes 00:03:36

A. Minutes from City Council Meeting September 10, 2024

President's Report 00:03:52

A. President's Appointment of Thalia Aoki to the Stormwater Advisory Committee B. Request to send a letter to the School Committee to request naming one of the two areas in the new Watertown High School for Michael Driscoll

Proclamations 00:13:26

A. Indigenous Peoples Day Proclamation

Public Hearings 00:15:03

A. Proposed Loan Order that the sum of $900,000 is appropriated to pay costs of purchasing the following items of departmental equipment for the Department of Public Works

Motions, Ordinances, Orders, and Resolutions 00:19:59

A. Consideration and action on an Order, allowing for the imposition of lien on a property located within the City for any local charge, fee, or fine that has not been paid by the due date, to be known as a municipal charges lien B. An Order Relative to Multi-Use Path Easements and Headwall Easements at 99 Coolidge Avenue to be Conveyed to the City of Watertown and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Grant of Easement on Behalf of the City C. First Reading and Referral for a Joint Public Hearing with the Planning Board, a set of Zoning Text and Map Amendments to Implement the Watertown Square Area Plan D. Request for a Referral to the Committee of the Budget and Fiscal Oversight to review the status of ARPA Grant Funding and to make recommendations

New Business 00:39:30

Communications from the City Manager 00:39:35

A. Request for Confirmation of Reappointments to the Board of Election Commissioners

Requests for Information 00:50:52

Announcements 00:52:05

Public Forum 00:52:49

Adjournment 00:52:58

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