Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee - November 18, 2024


Acceptance of minutes of 10/28/2024 WBPC meeting 00:00:39

Working Groups discussions 00:01:32

WBPC website updating

Portable bike racks 00:10:22

collaboration, ideas & at events

Information on 2025 meetings' schedule 00:20:34

typ. first Mondays at 7:30pm (sometimes Zoom, sometimes in-person)

WBPC presentation/update to City Council at their 1/8/25, meeting 00:21:03

Working Group update & next meeting, planning the presentation, more input from Committee members

DPW Coordination and future meet & greet 00:25:07

WBPC branding 00:47:58

choose the final logo to use consistently (e.g. for event requests)

Traffic Commission 00:53:39

gain a broad understanding of membership and their primary objectives

WBPC appointments 00:59:43

terms ending in 2025

Planning for and finalizing February 2025 for meet & greet with Public Engagement 01:03:09

Specialist Tyler Cote (esp. snow removal ordinance enforcement discussion)

Watertown Square Area Plan 01:08:36

bicycle & pedestrian-related general feedback discussion

Member items/New business 01:21:04


12/2/24: Next Bike-Ped Committee Meeting

Upcoming air times

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