Planning Board - November 9, 2020



Minutes of 3/11/20

CASES PENDING - • 90 School St. 00:05:21

• 90 School St.; Robert and Sandra MacKerron - Special Permit & Special Permit Finding To convert an existing two family dwelling to a three family dwelling by Sec.501d; and Special Permit Finding to increase preexisting 3rd story, Sec.4.06. ZBA-2020-12

CASES PENDING - • 48 N. Beacon St. 00:24:48

48 N. Beacon St.; Sira Naturals, Inc. - Special Permit & Special Permit Finding Adult Use Marijuana Establishment, Sec. 5.01.5.(l); and a Special Permit Finding for continuance of existing non-conformity, as the site has parking area and existing structures within the setback requirements set forth by the Zoning Ordinance, Sec. 4.06. ZBA-2020-17

CASES PENDING - • 202 - 204 Arsenal St. 01:44:19

202-204 Arsenal St.; Cresset/WS Venture LLC - Special Permit/Site Plan Review To convert a previously approved retail building to 87,332 sq. ft. Lab/R&D facility with 1,240 sq. ft., ground floor retail space, Sec. 5.01.5(e). ZBA-2020-18

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