School Committee - February 10, 2020


High School Advisors 00:00:40

Public Forum 00:04:32

New High School Building 00:04:37

Field Trip Approval 00:44:03

Statement of Interest 00:45:37

Application for Accelerated Repair of the Middle School Boilers

Budget and Finance Subcommittee 00:54:53

Policy Subcommittee 01:38:14

Proposed Calendar Changes 01:50:13

School Choice 02:04:00

Gifts 02:05:26

New Chapter 02:06:50

Approval of Minutes 02:06:50

Reports 02:07:05

Building for the Future 02:11:25

Budget 02:12:51

Personnel 02:15:20

Enrollment 02:15:34

Surplus Property 02:16:00

Warrants 02:16:07

Chair 02:16:13

Superintendent 02:17:40

New Business 02:18:52

Announcements 02:19:35

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