Zoning Board of Appeals - April 28, 2021


Call to Order 00:10:01

Approval of Minutes 00:12:23

New Cases - 47 Waltham St 00:13:01

Zhan Hao Xi and Rui Wang request Special Permit Finding to construct a new roof and third floor dormer on existing structure and add a two and a half story addition on a pre-existing nonconforming two-family dwelling and within pre-existing nonconforming front and side setbacks. §4.06. Property is located in the Single-Family (S-6) Zoning District. ZBA2021-07

New Cases:. 23-25 Molloy St. 00:59:46

23-25 Molloy St. – Traolach Cahilone requests a Variance from §6.02 (j), front yard parking, for a pervious driveway and parking at the terminus of Molloy St. Property is located in T (TwoFamily Zoning District) ZBA-2020-24

Continued Case: 23-29 Elm St. 01:37:25

23 Elm Street Property Owner, LLC, requests a Special Permit with Site Plan Review under: §5.01.5(e.2) for the construction of a three-story research & development laboratory building; §5.04, §5.05(i), for an increase in FAR to 1.68 and increased build-to-line; §4.11(e) for the reduction of the site’s north and south side setbacks; and §6.01(f), and §9.03(c) for reduced parking. Located in the RMUD (Regional Mixed-Use) Zoning District. ZBA-2021-03

Adjournment 01:39:00

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