Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee - February 4, 2021


Approval of Minutes 00:00:09

Bike-Ped Plan Update 00:00:23

Updates: a) Greenough Blvd.—Amy b) Board of Health—Amy c) DPW Director contact—Andy

Update: Greenough Blvd. 00:02:00

Update: Board of Health 00:17:32

Update: DPW Director Contact 00:20:22

"Culture Change" Follow-Up 00:20:40

New Development Project 00:30:09

390 Arsenal St. (Natural Selections) 00:30:14

99 Coolidge Road 00:36:53

One Arsenal Marketplace (617 Arsenal St.) 01:01:56

New Business 01:09:33

Adjournment 01:21:32

Upcoming air times

There are currently no upcoming air times.